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  2. About the JCMT  > 
  3. History of the JCMT


1980 Japan’s Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira proposed the concept of a support program for the developing countries, under which medical professionals from Southeast Asia and other areas would be invited to Japan to receive medical training, contributing to an improved level of medical care in those countries.
1981 During a round of visits to the ASEAN nations, Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki announced the concept of a training program for doctors, under which foreign physicians would be receive training in Japan. Study toward actual implementation began, led by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (former MITI).
1982 The JCMT Program was begun with Toranomon Hospital as the host institution for medical training and received its first Fellows in the same year. The JCMT Program was originally a grant-in-aid project of the Japan Keirin Association (JKA; Japan Bicycle Racing Association) under the jurisdiction of MITI.
1983 Four doctors from Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore completed the training program, becoming the 1st graduates (Fellows) of the JCMT Program.
1995 The cumulative total of JCMT Fellows reached 100.
2002 At a summit meeting between Japan’s Prime Minister Koizumi and Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir, the JCMT Program was mentioned in the agenda as one beneficial program of support for the developing countries by Japan.
2006 The cumulative total of JCMT Fellows reached 200.
2008 Funding by the JKA was discontinued. However, the JCMT Program was able to continue operating at the same level without interruption with sponsorship from several private corporations which share the purposes and philosophy of the JCMT project.
2012 The JCMT celebrated its 30th Anniversary since the program was begun in 1982.
2019 Toranomon Hospital has relocated to a new building. A plaque introducing the JCMT project has been installed at the entrance of the new hospital.
2020 Due to the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic,in-person fellowship program was forced to be suspended for a period of two years until 2021.
2022 Resuming the acceptance of fellows. The cumulative total of JCMT Fellows reached 300.