About the JCMT

The JCMT is...

The basic goals of the JCMT Project are to contribute to the international community and promote international friendship by receiving doctors from the developing nations for training in Japan, based on the guiding philosophy of creating ambience for "heart to heart personal exchanges" between Japan and the nations of Southeast Asia. The program invites doctors from the developing countries and provides training in an advanced medical environment in Japan, with the aim of improving experts of medical care in the developing nations.

The JCMT also provides a comfortable living environment and other necessary support for its Fellows while they are in Japan, as well as ample opportunities to gain a better understanding of Japanese society and Japanese culture and values. These "extra-curricular" activities help to build close bonds of friendship between the invited fellows, and also contribute to improving friendship between Japan and the developing nations.

Operating System of the JCMT Project

The JCMT consists of the Corporate Sponsors, Toranomon Hospital and The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS).
The budget and training programs are discussed by the Council Board, which consists of representatives from each organization, and based on this decision, AOTS entrusts the project to Toranomon Hospital.

A Message from the Council Chairman

Every year in July, the JCMT Fellows who have completed the 2-month medical training course and doctors from Toranomon Hospital, representatives of the JCMT's corporate sponsors, members of the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS), and other related persons gather for a party celebrating the successful conclusion of the course. When I see the bright, smiling faces of the Fellows as they celebrate the completion of their studies, and their warm-hearted conversations with the Toranomon doctors and the JCMT Secretariat staff, I feel a sense of fulfillment like nothing else. I am also reminded anew that Japan learned much from the advanced western nations from the Meiji Period onward, and this helped to build the Japan of today.

Listening to the Fellows' speeches, in which they expressed their thanks to those concerned on the Japanese side and their fervent desire to improve the level of medical care in their own countries, I could feel the weight of history of this project. The accumulation of accomplishments in this project supports the modernization of the developing countries, and I believe that the feeling of trust in Japan cultivated through this will become a true force for this country. The JCMT is managed with sponsorship from the Japanese private companies.

With the understanding of all those concerned, I wholeheartedly hope that this project will continue for many years to come.

Osamu Watanabe

Chairman of the JCMT Council

■ChairmanOsamu Watanabe

Special Advisor,
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
Former Administrative Vice Minister of METI