The JCMT is...
The basic goals of the JCMT Project are to contribute to the international community and promote international friendship by receiving doctors from the developing nations for training in Japan, based on the guiding philosophy of creating ambience for "heart to heart personal exchanges" between Japan and the nations of Southeast Asia. The program invites doctors from the developing countries and provides training in an advanced medical environment in Japan, with the aim of improving experts of medical care in the developing nations.
The JCMT also provides a comfortable living environment and other necessary support for its Fellows while they are in Japan, as well as ample opportunities to gain a better understanding of Japanese society and Japanese culture and values. These "extra-curricular" activities help to build close bonds of friendship between the invited fellows, and also contribute to improving friendship between Japan and the developing nations.
Operating System of the JCMT Project
The JCMT consists of the Corporate Sponsors, Toranomon Hospital and The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS).
The budget and training programs are discussed by the Council Board, which consists of representatives from each organization, and based on this decision, AOTS entrusts the project to Toranomon Hospital.